Professor Siddharthan Chandran, University of Edinburgh / Professor Tamir Ben Hur, / Hadassah - Hebrew University Medical Centre

Multiple sclerosis is the most common cause of non-traumatic neurological disability in young adults.  A primary autoimmune attack against the nerve coverings in the brain and spinal cord eventually leads to loss of nerve function. While partially effective therapies for the early inflammatory phase of the disease exist, there are no therapies for the advanced or progressive phase that leads to irreversible disability. 

Transplanted neural stem cells have been shown to possess multiple therapeutic properties by which they can regenerate the nerve coverings, inhibit the inflammatory process and facilitate brain repair. 

Through a combined effort of the Chandran (University of Edinburgh) and Ben-Hur (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) labs, the therapeutic potential of cell therapy is examined in an experimental system that accurately models the clinical scenario of patients in the progressive phase of multiple sclerosis.

About the Researchers

Professor Siddharthan Chandran

Director of The Euan MacDonald Centre, Professor of Neurology and Director of Centre for Clinical Brain Science

Dr Chandran trained in medicine at Southampton University, and subsequently undertook neurology training at University College London Hospitals, The National Hospital for Neurology, London and Cambridge University Hospitals, Cambridge. Dr. Chandran completed a PhD from Cambridge (2000) which was concerned with inter-species differences in the behaviour of neural stem cells.

Professor Tamir Ben Hur

Professor of Neurology and the Hebrew University Chairman of The Department of Neurology, Hadassah - Hebrew University Medical Center

Professor Ben-Hur is the Head of the Department of Neurology at the Hebrew University and a scientific counsellor to the Israel – US Binational Science Foundation and member of the editorial board of the Journal of Neurological Sciences.

“An important benefit arising from the BIRAX project and the partnership is the opportunity to bring regenerative medicine for multiple sclerosis much closer to clinical reality. Obviously, as physicians and scientists, we want to develop cures for patients.”

Tamir Ben-Hur